Scheduling appointments is the beginning of the guest’s experience with Solace Day Spa.  Appointments are essential to keep our business thriving!  Remember, the potential guest may not be relaxed, calm, or understanding.  That just means that they REALLY need time at the spa!  Schedule with the service provider that fits their schedule.  We schedule on a rotation and try to fill up everyone’s schedule equally.

Consultation & Communication with Client

When a new client is being booked, allow extra time for a consultation.  Inform new clients at the time of scheduling that they will have a short form to fill out before their service, so it would be helpful for them to arrive 10-15 minutes before their scheduled appointment.

Returning Guest 

Make sure to ask if they have a preferred service provider.

Price Shopping 

In the event a prospective client calls in to “price shop”, try not to tell them the price right away.  Instead ask them how they heard about our spa.  An open question will start them talking about their needs.  Once you know their need, you can direct them to the best service provider for a free consultation.  Price shoppers are an opportunity to “sell” our spa.  They cannot see the value of our spa until they are here. 

 Scheduling Appointments by Phone

Smile with Your Voice  Smile and it will come through in the conversation.

 Be Professional

Answer the phone professionally – “Solace Day Spa, this is ____________.” Or, “Solace Day Spa, how can I help you today?”

 Ask for the caller’s name and repeat back to them

Ask the client’s name first (if they haven’t already stated their name), “May I ask who’s calling?”  Then address the caller by their name as you schedule an appointment or as you close the conversation with, “Thank you for calling Solace Day Spa.  If you need anything else, please feel free to call back.”

 Ask Questions

Get all pertinent information by asking closed questions.  Do not attempt to conduct a consultation over the phone.  Invite them to come and see the spa and receive complimentary consultation.

 DAY – Ask the client which days they are available for the appointment.

TIME – In their time frame give them 2 choices of times that are available.  Be in control of the scheduling process.

REPEAT  – Always repeat the scheduled appointment time, day, date, and service provider’s name.

Use Proper Grammer

Say Don’t Say
Would you mind holding for a minute? Hang on
Yes Yeah
May I help you? Can I help you?


Scheduling the Appointment over the phone

CALLER:  I would like to schedule an appointment.

 Wonderful – have you been a guest here with us before?

 CALLER: yes

 Welcome Back! (or something fitting)

Look up their name and check out their information.


Well, thank you for choosing Solace Day Spa!

 What day would you like to come in for your appointment?

CALLER: Friday for my birthday

 Happy Birthday!

Would you like your appointment in the morning or afternoon?

CALLER: morning would be best

 We have a couple of spots open on that day.  Would 10 or 11:30 work for you?

CALLER:  10 is perfect

 Okay, I just need a bit of information so we can get that scheduled.

May I please have your full name?

What is a good email to send you a reminder and confirmation?

Is there a good number to reach you?

Will you be using a gift certificate or voucher?

Make  notes in the “notes” section for clarification.  example:  “prefers lavender”, using SpaFinder, SpaWeek etc

*Clients will be able to see these notes in their confirmation email.  DO NOT make any unprofessional, judgement or opinions about them in this area.

Taking Credit Card to Hold Appointment

When booking a service make sure to take a credit card for every appointment.  There are no exceptions to this policy.  This ensures that the service providers get paid for their appointment if the guest would cancel at the last minute or not show up at all.  Please make sure to inform all our guests about the cancellation policy.

  • If a client says they are on the go and can’t provide a card at that moment but will call back in 5 minutes, let them know that you cannot hold the appointment for them but will gladly book it in 5 minutes when they return the call.

You will receive an email prior to your appointment for confirmation.  It will have information for you, such as where to park and when to arrive. 

VERY IMPORTANT:   Repeat back to the client appointment date, time, and service.

 I want to make sure we have this right.  Your appointment is Friday, June 5 at 10 a.m.

Is that correct?


 Thank you for choosing Solace Day Spa, we are looking forward to your visit.  Have a wonderful day and feel free to call us again if you have any questions.

Allow the client to hang up first.

 Rescheduling Appointments at Front Desk

Service Provider – be waiting for guest to come to front desk (don’t be right at the front desk)

                How are you doing?

                I would love to see you again to continue to work on ____________________.  I also noticed that ____________________. 

You may give your opinion as to when you think it would be most beneficial for them to return for more work.  This is a common question for newer guests to ask and it is helpful for them to get an honest response.  If you believe 3 days is best, tell them 3 days.  If you think it would be okay to wait a month, tell them a month.

As the client is checking out, ask

Would you like to set up your next appointment?

Guest: no

Give them a business card and say,

“Feel free to call if you need anything or have any questions.”

As the front desk coordinator or in this position when the front desk coordinator is not available, you hold one of the most important positions at Solace Day Spa. You are the first impression the client receives of our spa. It is always important to give the best impression possible so that our guests are eager to come in.