Sales Skills & Script



You MUST especially have rapport from the very beginning of the experience.  A first impression is made in the first 7 seconds.  That means all you have is 7 seconds in order to make a memorable impression and begin to develop rapport with the client.

Always greet the client with a smile and a peppy hello.

Don’t be afraid to engage in casual small talk with them.


Compliments are important but make sure they are (or at least sound) genuine – do it from the moment they walk in don’t wait until right before you’re trying to sell them a package because that gives an air of fallacy and that you have an ulterior motive

Ex: “Wow that is such a beautiful bag!/Your hair looks absolutely amazing, did you just get it done?”


It is very easy to raise the expectation of the service.  Once you know which technician they will be using feel free to heighten the expected experience.  “(Technicians name) is absolutely amazing!!! You are going to love her.” Say something special about the technician if you know something.  ie- “Ella (technician) worked in the Ritz Carlton in China for 4 years and her service is fantastic!”  Make clients feel like they are in for a treat.


If you work here it’s because you’re FRIENDLY. Let that shine through and have the guests enjoy your personality. Make them feel like your lifelong friends. I personally like to utilize jokes and humor in general in order to seem much more likable.

Ex: *client is huffing and puffing because of the 3 flights of stairs s/he had to climb before getting to the Third Ave location* me: “I know those steps are a killer! But hey you’ve basically got a two-for-one deal here – who needs SoulCycle when you can exercise before a relaxing massage all in the same spot?!”


You can make note of any special occasion (it’s easiest to spot this for couples/friends massages) and use that to your advantage – but the key part is to make any day they come to a spa feel like a special occasion.

Ex: offer the client a glass of wine or champagne (before or after depending on the service) just because “they deserve it” (to celebrate another beginning/end of the work week. Because we’re halfway through the week. Because I want you to take advantage and be completely relaxed while you’re here. Because I like you.) do the same with the “specialty” chocolates. Pretend you have to do something in the back and as you pass by a waiting client.

“We generally only bring these out on *a day that’s not today* but I’ll make an exception for you. Would you like a Ferrero Rocher?”


Things can get hectic at check out because sometimes 3-5 people want to check out at the same time when there are only 1-2 front desk day makers. Remain calm and collected and continue to make people feel special.

SMILE THROUGH THE PAIN AND STRESS! “I’ll be with you in just one second!”


Everyone wants to feel a sense of security when asking about a service so don’t be afraid to say something like “Personally I recommend the microdermabrasion because it exfoliated my skin so well and it sounds like it would help with your skin type as well!”

Or “I absolutely loved (insert technician’s name here) for my lashes/massage! She was absolutely wonderful. I have (service) with her/him all the time!” Even if it technically isn’t true – if they work for the company it means they are the best so why not recommend them? And you know the information about the different types of services so you can help someone out by recommending a service.





*Upselling (sometimes ‘up-selling’) is a sales technique whereby a salesperson induces the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale. Upselling usually involves marketing more profitable services or products, but upselling can also be simply exposing the customer to other options he or she may not have considered previously. Upselling implies selling something that is more profitable or otherwise preferable for the seller instead of the original sale. A different technique is cross-selling in which a seller tries to sell something else. In practice, large businesses usually combine up-selling and cross-selling techniques to enhance the value that the client(s) gets from the organization. In doing so, the organization must ensure that the relationship with the client is not disrupted. A common technique for successful up-sellers is becoming aware of a customer’s lifestyle; allowing them to better understand what that particular purchaser might need or the best way to demonstrate the value to that particular individual. Up-selling should be easy. The best part of up-selling is that it’s practically effortless. Since it’s done after the customer has decided to go ahead with a major purchase, the hard part of the sales conversation has already been done. You’ve already established rapport, identified needs, summarized, presented benefits, asked for the order, and handled objections. Up-selling is just presenting the information in a “by-the-way” assumptive manner.

The 3 biggest mistakes in up-selling

·      No attempt is made to up-sell.

·      The salesperson comes across as being pushy.

·      The upselling is made in an unconvincing manner so the customer generally refuses.


Assumptions are the key. You’ve got to assume that the customer will naturally want this. Begin the upsell with a brief benefit, and then if possible, add something unique about what you’re selling. To avoid sounding pushy, particularly if the upsell requires elaboration, ask for the customer’s permission to describe it.


Imagine dining at a restaurant where you’ve just finished a big meal. The server asks, “Would you care for dessert? If you say “Yes”, you might give the impression of overindulging. So many customers refuse out of politeness. Result – no sale.


So the savvy server doesn’t ask if the customer wants dessert. The professional just assumes that when people go out for a meal they are treating themselves. So of course they’ll want to treat themselves to dessert. In this case, the server pulls up the dessert tray and says, “To finish off your meal with a little something sweet, (that’s the benefit) I brought the dessert tray over for you. Would you like to hear about the most popular ones?” (Asks permission to proceed)


When the customer agrees to hear about the desserts the server doesn’t just list them by name; he describes their benefits. So rather than saying, “This is chocolate mousse.” Instead, he’d say something like, “If you like chocolate you’ll love this. We’ve got a chocolate mousse that melts in your mouth and makes you wonder what the ordinary people are doing today.”


Focus on customer needs-not yours. Don’t try to sell the customer something you wouldn’t buy if you were in their shoes. It is totally irrelevant whether or not this purchase suits your needs; what is relevant is whether it suits the customers. That perspective empowers you to upsell effectively and with integrity.


Hands-on demonstration. One of the most effective upselling techniques is getting the customer to use the product in your location. A hairdresser, for example, might put hair gel in the customer’s hand and show them how to apply it themselves. By showing the client how to get the salon look at home, they create a value-added upsell.

Group-related products. It’s a good idea to group similar add-ons and offer them as an upsell at a package price. If someone is getting a haircut and you talk to them about shampoo, it only makes sense to show them a package deal that groups conditioner and shampoo at a package price.


Every business owner should realistically look at whether or not employees could improve the way they up-sell. For most businesses, a little professional training can make a world of difference.


Use your judgment in regards to if they’re pressed for time or if they are in a rush to get out and decide whether you should immediately go into the sales pitch or not. If you think they might be in a rush (or have expressed they are) when you’re about to print their receipt ask:

“Would you like to hear about the specials we have for first-time/returning clients where you can save anywhere from 40-400 dollars on your following visits”…

“You don’t have to pay full price to: 1) keep your lashes beautiful 2) get glowy skin 3) treat yourself to another relaxing massage.”

That way you semi-pitch the idea but aren’t taking up an extra 5 minutes of their time. If they’re interested, actually continue on for the pitch.



“I don’t know if I can spend that money all in one shot..”


“Oh. Can I gift them to other people? That is good… But I’m still not sure.”


“Wow, that’s great! But can I think about it or maybe call you back to purchase it?”


Scenario A) “Ok – I’m in.” MAKE SALE.

Scenario B) “I wish I could make this decision right now but I really do have to think about it.”

ME: “Ok that is no problem at all! We’ll be here waiting for you with other great returning client sales ready for you!

• It’s your job to assess the interaction with the person – this is an easy breakthrough where you would go through all of the possible rebuttals and hopefully get a sale but that doesn’t always turn out to be the case.


Know when to stop before you seem too pushy. Utilize humor to lessen the feel of a “sale” and heighten the experience of it being a “friend helping a friend save some money”


As the guest approaches the reception desk to check out

You: “How was the massage?”

Guest: “Very good”

You: “Wasn’t it?”

Guest: “Yes!” (You just got your first YES from the guest)

You: “Karina is very good, isn’t she?”

Guest: “Yes, she is!” (This is how you get your second YES from the guest)

 You: “We would love to have you back and since we accept vouchers from first-time guests only, let me share our Savings Packages with you. You can get one massage for $69, regular value is $120. You can also get a package of three for $59 each or a package of 5 for $49 each. Would you prefer the 3 or the 5 packages?” (Once you have said this, don’t say a word till the guest says something, no matter how long the silence or time the guest takes to ponder their decision.)

Guest: “Let me think about it”

 You: “Sure I understand, (here pause for a few seconds) unlike Groupon or Gilt, our packages never ever expire. This means you can use them whenever you want with no expiration date. Most guests like yourself get the package of three, would you like to do the same?”

 (Once again do not say anything till the guest responds)

Guest: “I’m not sure!”

 You: “Everyone has friends, family, and co-workers, you can use them as a birthday or anniversary gift. While you would have paid $49, your friend or family would think you spent $120 which is our retail price. Would you prefer to pay in cash or use a card?”

Guest: “Can I call back later today and get the package?”

 You: “Unfortunately, it’s only for our first-time guests during their first visit. It’s not available on the phone or online.”

Guest: “I have to think about it!”

 You: “Let me sweeten the deal, if you get the 3 or 5 packages, I will include this hand-crafted, soy wax-scented candle that retails for $35!”

Guest: “Okay, you convinced me. I will get the 5 packages”