General Guidelines


Whenever you are unable to report to work, please contact management via phone call or text.   If it isn’t confirmed that message was received after a short period of time, call again and leave a message.  If you know in advance you will not be present at the spa during your scheduled hours, please ask another spa provider if they can cover your time.


Call management and the team members you will be working with if you are going to be late for your schedule service.  We want to be able to tell the guest that you are on your way.  It is very important to be prepared and ready for your appointment, guests should not wait.  As a professional, you represent Solace Day Spa and tardiness for guests reflects poorly on us as a team.  We want to communicate to our guests that they are important, and their time is important.  Service providers are required to be in the spa at least 30 – 45 minutes prior to your first appointment.

Communicate if you are leaving the spa and when you will return.  If you are involved in a group appointment, absolutely do not leave without thoroughly communicating with the other service providers.

Members of the Solace Day Spa team benefit from being able to have flexible schedules.  You are free to change your schedule or adjust different days, but please notify the scheduling coordinator of any changes so that they are aware of the new days and/times.  This helps them when scheduling appointments for you the service providers with accurate choices for appointments.

Personal Telephone Calls

Please limit your personal calls and texts to extremely important and emergencies only.  Our mission is to provide a space for our guests to feel like they matter and a very important.

Health and Safety

Smoking and/or vaping is not permitted anywhere in the spa or on the premises.  No exceptions.

The first aid kit and fire extinguisher are in the back room.  Ask management to review its usage if you have questions.

In case of injury to a staff member or a guest, notify the manager immediately.

All service equipment and table warmers should be turned off and unplugged, at the end of each day.  This includes Hot Stone warmers, table warmers, sauna, towel warmers, etc.

Being under the influence of alcohol and/or non-prescribed drugs while at work is not tolerated.  If a violation of this guideline occurs, the lease agreement may be terminated.

Solace Day Spa management realizes that appointments will occur during the evening hours, so please take all precautions to be safe. An alarm system has been installed in order to take every measure possible to ensure safety while at Solace Day Spa.  An alert button is available at the front desk to use to silently contact the police in emergency situations.


Everyone is required to park in the Central United Methodist parking garage across the street.  We have documents from the city that state that we have spaces in the parking garage for our use, Monday through Saturday.  All parking spaces on the Solace Day Spa property are for guests of Solace Day Spa.  Please inform your clients at the time of scheduling, of the FREE parking available to them at the spa, on the street (during certain hours), or in the parking garage across the street.  The parking options on the Broyles side of the building is reserved for guests and management (for loading and unloading purposes) and is not to be used by service providers.

Cleaning & Maintenance

All service providers are responsible to properly clean all spaces and equipment used during services prior to and following the service.  This includes linens and blankets to be washed, dried, folded and stored away correctly in the designated space.  Detailed checklists are available if you are unsure of the requirements of properly and thoroughly cleaning everything used during the service.  *Also refer to the Opening/Closing Checklist and Equipment cleaning protocol sheets.


  • Dirty/WET laundry is to be placed in a designated bin (Not doing so will cause mold)
  • Untangle linens, blankets and towels before placing in bins.
  • Dirty/DRY laundry is to be placed in the designated bin.
  • Remove lint from the lint trap in the dryer after every load.
  • Do not overload the washer or dryer.
  • Follow the guidelines posted on the washer/dryer.
  • Keep the signal buzzer turned to “off”.
  • Fold linens immediately after removing from dryer and place in designated storage (bin or cabinet) –closed (per Arkansas State Law for Massage Therapy practices)
  • Treat potential stains immediately after service.

NOTICE:  If any equipment is broken or damaged, let management know so that we can address it in a timely manner.  If you notice that things aren’t getting cleaned properly or items are stained, please set aside and tell management.


The thermostat needs to be set at a comfortable temperature for guests, as well as the team.  If you need a fan or heater provided for your room, please let management know.  We will make every effort to provide an atmosphere in which you can do your best at performing your valued skill.  If you forget to return the thermostat to the proper setting when leaving, please contact management and we can take care of it remotely.