
Taking Messages

Phone & Walk-Ins

Take a message on a message slip and place it in the receipt binder behind the individual’s name.  Please make sure all information is accurate and double-check the phone number on the caller’s I.D.

Staff Meetings

Staff meetings will be held periodically.  We ask that everyone make every effort to attend.  These meetings will be scheduled well in advance.  We feel that these meetings are necessary for effective communication and to meet as a team to make sure everyone continues to be on the same page.

Our meetings provide an opportunity for all staff members to communicate with each other and with management.  Meetings may include discussions of some of the following:

new products, upcoming classes, future advertising/marketing promotions, personal or client problems in relation to staff morale, any revisions in the handbook or policies, upcoming trade shows, vision/direction

All members of the team are urged to participate in group discussions.  New ideas are always welcome!

Communication within Solace Day Spa  

Through effective communication, a group of individuals with a common goal will come together to form a strong team and work as one unit to the benefit of all.

Communication decreases misunderstanding between team members and increases cooperation on a day-to-day basis within the spa.  If any issues ever need to be addressed, please pull team members aside privately.  Never discuss issues in front of any clients.

Communication aids in educational growth through information exchanged during workshops and staff meetings, as well as one-to-one discussions between employees about daily work with clients.

Communication with Clients

Effective communication with a client will greatly reduce stress for the service provider.  When you acquire a thorough comprehension of a client’s needs, mistakes and misunderstandings are greatly reduced.  The service provider can proceed with servicing the client, knowing that he/she and the client have a mutual understanding of the desired results.

Good communication with a client is one of the most effective tools to build a clientele.  It promotes a trusted and relaxed atmosphere for a skeptical or unsure client.  A client who is pleased with the service rendered and who feels comfortable and secure with the staff will promote Solace Day Spa through word-of-mouth much more readily than a client who is serviced well but in a brash and hurried manner.

Communication skills are easily learned but sometimes difficult to put into practice.  They will be constantly stressed throughout our training programs – sometimes more so than the service skills themselves because without communication skills, even the most talented service provider will be ineffective and may really struggle in this industry.

General Communication Skills

Communication skills determine how well you interact with people in general – including your clients and co-workers.  You can develop more effective communication skills by practicing the techniques of maintaining eye contact, listening, leading, giving feedback, and proper questioning.

Effective communication between the client and service provider is essential to ensure client satisfaction.  Even the most talented service provider may encounter dissatisfied clients due to misunderstandings that resulted from a lack of or ineffective communication.

As a professional, you can increase your understanding of client needs and greatly reduce the risk of client dissatisfaction by following the points below:

Take your time. Do not rush or interrupt.

Maintain Eye Contact

The most important part of effective communication is maintaining eye contact.  Look into the other person’s eyes while speaking or listening.  It shows that you are interested and paying attention.


To avoid misunderstandings, give the other person a chance to put their point across without interruptions.  People tend to stop communicating when they don’t have a chance to finish the thoughts, they originally wanted to share with you.

Leading Conversation

Make comments and ask questions that encourage the other person to continue communicating in the direction you want.

Give Feedback

Help the other person understand your position throughout the conversation by responding to statements made.  Feedback enables the other person to clarify any misunderstandings and encourages him/her to continue communicating.

Ask Questions

Closed Questions – Require very brief answers (yes, no, name, number, etc.) and usually begin with:  Do you, who, when, where, how many, how often, etc.  Ask closed questions when you want to receive minimum, specific information.  Closed questions enable a questioner to lead the conversation.  Example: “Do you live in the country or in the city?”

Open Questions – Require lengthy, descriptive answers and often begin with:  How, why, and what.  Ask open questions when you want to receive maximum, detailed information.  Open questions enable the speaker to lead the conversation.  Example: “How did you choose your profession?”

 Determine Client’s Need

The first step toward client satisfaction is understanding your client’s expectations.  Always encourage your client to express his or her wants and needs.  This is also a good opportunity to gather information about the client’s lifestyle.

Repeat Needs

Confirm what you feel the client’s needs or problems are by repeating them.

Fulfill Needs

Provide the service and or/professional retail recommendation that will fulfill your client’s needs.

Communicating with Different Client Personalities

Different clients need different kinds of guidance and attention.

Although each client should be treated as an individual, it takes time to develop an understanding of each client’s needs.

Dealing with the Problem Client

When dealing with a problem client, it is important for you as a professional, to remember that Solace Day Spa image can be damaged more by one unsatisfied client than it can be improved by ten satisfied clients!  Please make every attempt to satisfy your client’s needs and correct any problems before they leave Solace Day Spa.

If there is a personality clash between you and your client, try the “kill them with kindness” approach.  When you love your enemies, they will find it hard to fight back.

If you still have problems satisfying your client, you may suggest that another service provider might be better able to fulfill the client’s needs.  No service provider can be a specialist in every type of service.  Perhaps a teammate would do a better job with a certain type of service.

If the client remains unhappy, despite your attempts to satisfy them, please ask another team member to assist you in resolving the problem. 

Guest Services

We value the goal of becoming a spa that is set apart.  A key component in achieving that goal is to always put the client first.  We want to go above and beyond what the client expects from us.   Have the, “It’s all about the client” mentality.

When a client arrives at Solace Day Spa:

  1. Make sure someone smiles and says hello. We want to always warmly greet every guest.
  2. Offer clients something to drink.
  3. Inform the guest that the technician will be right for them.
  4. Let the technician know that their next client has arrived.

As the technician:

  1. Introduce yourself – “My name is Jodie, I will be your therapist”.  If the front desk introduces you make sure you introduce yourself again in the treatment room.    “Again, my name is Jodie.” And then begin your explanation of services, what is expected of them and ask if they have any questions.
  2. Assure their satisfaction with the experience.

Are they comfortable?  Is the temperature okay for them?


Tips for the Front Desk

Presenting a professional image, both in person and on the telephone, is very important in the spa industry. Taking care of your customers over the telephone and making them feel well-informed and appreciated is essential.


Speak clearly. Take the time to speak clearly, slowly, and in a cheerful, professional voice is very important.

Use your normal tone of voice when answering a call.  But, also be aware of your natural tone and volume of voice.  If you tend to come across harsh or impatient, soften the tone slightly.

Do not eat or drink while you are on telephone duty. Only eat or drink during your coffee break or lunch break.

Do not use slang words or poor language. Respond clearly with “yes” or “no” when speaking. Never use swear words. And never ever say even the slightest suggestion of derogatory remarks towards different people groups, religions, political groups, sexual orientations or disabilities.  This list is not all-inclusive, but if you don’t get the general idea, please ask for clarification.

Listen to the Caller and what they have to say. The ability to listen is a problem in general but it is very important to listen to what the caller has to say. It is always a good habit to repeat the information back to the client when you are taking a message. Verify that you have heard and transcribed the message accurately.

Be patient and helpful. If a caller is irate or upset, listen to what they have to say and then refer them to the appropriate resource. Never snap back or act rude to the caller.

Always ask if you can put the caller on hold. 

Always focus on the call. Try not to get distracted by people around you. If someone tries to interrupt you while you are on a call, politely remind them that you are on a customer call and that you will be with them as soon as you are finished.


Always identify yourself properly. When calling a client or customer, whether in person or when leaving a message, always identify yourself properly by providing your name, company name, and contact telephone number. For example, “Good afternoon Mr. Brown, this is Ms. Brown from Solace Day Spa.  Our telephone number is 479-443-1729.”

The closing statement is “Thank you for choosing Solace Day Spa, have a wonderful day”.

Always be aware of confidential information when leaving messages. Also, be aware of people around you while talking on the phone. Be discreet!  Someone next to you might overhear confidential information that could negatively affect your business.

Avoid leaving long-winded messages. Remember, someone has to listen to your message, write it down and then act upon it. Your message may be just one of many messages that need to be handled. It is often a good habit to write down or type out your message in advance. Keep it brief and to the point.


First Impression Matter

This is your first interaction with the clients – if anything goes wrong here and you’re not able to resolve it for them quickly and painlessly it’s going to leave a sour taste in their mouths and predispose them to a negative experience at the spa.

 Be Friendly

WHEN ASKING FOR THE CREDIT CARD to book an appointment: “So to secure this appointment I do need to put a card on file.  Our cancellation policy states that you have to cancel or reschedule your appointment no less than 24 hours prior to your appointment.. If you fail to do so or do not show up on the day of said appointment, we will have to charge you a no-show/cancellation fee.”

Help the client get excited about the service and coming to the spa. Use key phrases to communicate that they are valued and genuinely matter to us.  We are looking forward to serving them.

Ex: “ok so I have an opening here and I can actually fit you in with one of our best therapists – how does 3 pm sound?

“Great!  We look forward to serving you.”