Cleaning & Maintenance

Cleaning of Service Area

Each service provider is fully responsible for the rooms, space, equipment, linens, and tools that are used during the services provided.   Properly clean and replace items that were used during the service.  Switching laundry loads and folding the same number of linen sets used during your day of services is required and part of your rental agreement.  *Refer to Opening/Closing Checklist and equipment cleaning protocol sheets.

Cleaning Supplies

Basic supplies for cleaning general areas are available in the backroom.  If supplies are running low, please notify management (texting or leaving a note/list) so they can be restocked before it’s completely gone.  Each service provider is responsible to provide supplies needed to clean and maintain the equipment specific to their service.

**Absolutely NO FOOD in the spa service area while guests are present.

Do not eat at the front desk, treatment room or lobby.  Be mindful that food will permeate throughout our quaint spa and guests will be able to smell food.  The microwave is for spa use only – not to warm up food.  Please do not store any “leftovers” in the fridge.  If you put food in the fridge, please label it with the name and date.  If it is not labeled, it will be thrown out.

All are responsible to clean spaces used during services, linens and tools prior to and following each appointment.  *Refer to Opening/Closing Checklist, Equipment cleaning protocol sheets and COVID cleaning guidelines.


  • Dirty/WET laundry is to be placed in the designated bin (Not doing so will cause mold)
  • Dirty/DRY laundry is to be placed in the designated bin.
  • Remove lint from the lint trap in the dryer after every load.
  • Do not overload the washer or dryer.
  • Untangle sheets, blankets and towels before placing in bins.
  • Follow the guidelines posted on the washer/dryer.
  • Keep the signal buzzer turned to “off”.
  • Treat potential stains immediately after service

NOTICE:  If any equipment is broken or damaged, let management know so that we can address it in a timely manner.  If you notice that things aren’t getting cleaned properly or items are stained, please set them aside and tell management.


The thermostat needs to be set at a comfortable temperature for guests, as well as the team.  If you need a fan or heater provided for your room, please let management know.  We will make every effort to provide an atmosphere in which you can do your best at providing your valued skill.  If you forget to return the thermostat to the proper setting when leaving, please contact management and we can take care of it remotely.