Checking In and Out

Be Ready

Always be cautious of check-in and out times! This implies that if it is close to a time where a client will be coming in or checking out, be ready for them.

  • If it is a group, make sure to have enough mimosas prepared if needed.
  • Don’t huddle up in a group and talk, it is very uncomfortable for a client to walk in and feel as if they are interrupting you.
  • Please keep your phone put away, as it is not professional for the clients to see you using it.

Checking In

The check-in of every guest is important as it is the first face-to-face impression they have of Solace Day Spa.  There are steps to provide a present, consisten and professional check-in to their experience.

Check In Steps

  1. SMILE: As soon as a guest walks in the door give them a genuine welcoming smile.
  2. GREETING: As soon as a guest walks in the door smile and say “Hello, Welcome to Solace Day Spa! How can we help you today?”. Please make eye contact with the guests and pay attention to what they are telling you.
  3. NAME: Ask the guests “What name is your reservation under?” please be sure to use the client’s name.
  4. CONFIRMATION: It is important to make sure there aren’t any mistakes in our schedule ask the guest “Can I confirm the service you are receiving today?”. Make sure they are scheduled for whatever service they tell you and if now accommodate the guest accordingly.
  5. SERVICE PROVIDER: Once you have confirmed the service informs the guest of who they will be seeing say “Name will be taking care of you today.” after that complement the service provider and make the client excited to start his/her service.
  6. GETTING READY: Make sure your guest is ready before he/she begins. Give them the pre-service form for them to fill out. Make sure they are comfortable asking “Is there anything you need? May I offer you a beverage and/or chocolate?”
  7. FIRST TIMERS: If it is a client’s first time with us make them feel comfortable. Inform them where the restroom is and ask them if they have any questions about our spa.
  8. SERVICE PROVIDER: After the guest is situated inform the service provider that their guest has arrived. let them know the guest’s name and inform them of any details they need to know before they begin.
  9. ONGOING: If your therapist is running late update the guest. Apologize and inform them of the estimated time they will need to wait. It is important to build an honest relationship with our clients. Make sure the client is comfortable for the remainder of the wait.

Checking Out

Check-out is important as it gives the last impression and the feeling the guest will have once they leave our spa. It is also the opportunity you have to rectify any unhappy experience or issue for our guest.

Check Out Steps

  1. NAME:  If you don’t remember the guest’s name say “May I have your name please”. Then make sure to say her name during the remainder of your interaction with them.
  2. RELAX: Offer the guest to sit in our waiting area and relax after the service say “______ please feel free to relax in our waiting area (or relaxation room if available) as long as you’d like. We have wifi and we could get you something to drink or a chocolate.”
  3. SATISFACTION: Ask the guest “How was your experience with us today?”. Don’t take an “okay” or “fine” as an answer, make sure the client always receives an above-and-beyond experience. If they are not happy help them turn the experience around.
  4. GRATUITY: Give the guest the envelope that belongs to the correct therapist and for the correct service. When handing it to them say “Here is the envelope for therapist’s name with the suggested gratuity”. 
  5. PAYMENT: Open their ticket. Add any tips, fees, upgrades, products, or sales to the invoice. Once you are don’t say “Your total today will be $, How would you like to pay for today’s service?”. if they give you a credit card inform them again before you run it and make sure you save the card to their profile. At the end of payment provide the guest with a receipt either a printed version or by email.
  6. INVITE THEM BACK & REBOOK: It is important for the client to book before they leave. This way we can guarantee they will return. Invite them back and let them know that we’d love to serve them again.  Suggest other services that are popular or something they could try to help their __________ (what they may have mentioned in passing etc).  Another reason is we have limited availability and the schedule fills up quickly.  We want to make sure they get the time that is best for their schedule. This is especially important for lash clients and the holiday season. Once your client has finished paying ask them “Would you like to schedule your next visit today? It can guarantee you a time that best fits your schedule.”. If yes book the according to our policies, if they need a lash touch up inform them of the 2–3 week period and book accordingly.
  7. ANYTHING ELSE: At the very end say “Is there anything else I can help you with?”. Make sure you have resolved any issues the client had and give the guest any aftercare instructions if needed by a service.
  8. GOODBYE: Once your client is all done and ready to leave be sure to thank them for visiting and give them a warm goodbye. Be sure the guest had an above-and-beyond experience before you let them walk out the door.